Tedd Tripp

Tedd Tripp has been a pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Hazleton, Pennsylvania since June, 1983. For several years, he served as a counselor for the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation. Tedd and his wife, Margy, founded Immanuel Christian School in 1979, where he also served as a teacher and principal for four years.

He continues to serve as the administrator on the board of Immanuel Christian School. Since 1994, Tedd has maintained an extensive ministry as a conference speaker and presenter of Shepherding a Child’s Heart seminars. Tedd received a Bachelor of Arts in history from Geneva College, a Master of Divinity from Reformed Episcopal Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Westminster Theological Seminary.

Tedd and Margy have three children born in 1969, 1972, 1973. By God’s grace all are believers.

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