Meg Meeker

Meg Meeker, M.D., has dedicated over thirty years to practicing pediatric and adolescent medicine, providing counseling to both teens and parents. Dr. Meeker is a fellow of the National Advisory Board of the Medical Institute and holds the position of associate professor of medicine at Michigan State School of Human Medicine. As a renowned speaker and bestselling author of several books, including the national bestseller Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers, and Boys Should Be Boys, Dr. Meeker’s expertise is widely recognized. In 2012, she released Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: The 30-Day Challenge, a highly-anticipated follow-up to her original bestselling work.

Dr. Meeker frequently appears as a speaker on pediatric health issues and child-parent relationships, making regular guest appearances on nationally syndicated radio and television programs. Her involvement extends to collaborating with the NFL Fatherhood Initiative, and she was a speaker at the United Nations in 2016, focusing on family issues. Residing in northern Michigan, Dr. Meeker shares a medical practice with her husband, Walter, and they are blessed with four children.

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