Kristin Jenson

Kristen A. Jenson is author of the best-selling books Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today’s Young Kids and Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr.: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds. She founded, a website that empowers parents with tools to help their kids to reject pornography. Kristen enjoys speaking and is a popular guest on podcasts, webinars and radio broadcasts. She is a leader in the Safeguard Alliance of the National Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation and was recently invited to testify before the Washington State Senate Law and Justice Committee on the public health crisis of pornography.

Kristen is the lucky mom of three children and lives with her husband in the beautiful state of Washington. She earned a B.A. in English Literature and an M.A. in Organizational Communication. In her spare time she listens to books on Audible, swims laps to improve her mental health (and get away from her phone), and treasures sharing time (especially when it involves good food) with friends. Kristen aspires to practice Yoga someday.

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