Gerald L. Sittser

Jerry Sittser (PhD, University of Chicago) is professor in and chair of the department of theology at Whitworth University. He holds a master of divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary and a doctorate in the history of Christianity from the University of Chicago. He has authored eight books, including the best selling “A Grace Disguised” and its award winning sequel “A Grace Revealed.” In addition, he has written “The Will of God as a Way of Life,” “Water From a Deep Well: Christian Spirituality from Early Martyrs to Modern Missionaries” (Logos Book Award winner), “Why God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayer” (ECPA Gold Medallion winner), “Love One Another,” “The Adventure,’ and “A Cautious Patriotism.” Jerry and his wife Pat live in Spokane, WA, where they are active in both university and community affairs. Jerry has three children and two step-children, all married and on their own.

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